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Monica Shah Zeeman
Education and Early Years Specialist
Monica Shah Zeeman founded Children First Association to provide care, education and support for families with young children living away from home in Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2006 Children First has been providing quality early years education in English.
Children First is one of the first places outside the home where children make friends and begin their education; the multi-age groups are structured like a big family, in which each child is encouraged to enhance their own personality, while learning to interact with others.
The curricula offered enables children to acquire fundamental life skills, as well as a solid academic foundation. The internationally recognised Montessori methodology supports practical skills development using teaching methods that promote creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, care of the environment and sociable learning.
The UK Foundation Stage Early Years Curriculum ensures children are well prepared to transition into local, bilingual or large international schools.
Children First offers extra support for international families as they embark on a new phase of family life abroad. Monica Shah Zeeman can also advise you on choosing your child’s next school after their formative years at Children First. To learn more click here:

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